About Us
Find out more about us below
Our Vision
• To provide business owners with the Perfect Accounting and Finance Solution that suits their requirements, their pocket and drives results.
• To stream Real Time Business Intelligence to any device, becoming an integral proactive part of your business and its decision making.
• To be innovative in our approach and to embrace technology.
Our Accounting Mission
• To provide a professional, proactive and tailor made Accounting and Financial service for a fixed monthly fee.
• To provide quality Year End Accounts and Tax Returns, maximising your tax savings and ensuring your compliance is all kept up to date.
• To provide exceptional live Management Accounting using cloud services, delivering insight into your business and driving better performance.
Our Consulting Mission
• To provide relevant Strategies fulfilling the aims of stakeholders, gaining Organisational Engagement and driving Transformation.
• To create or to enhance your company’s culture to focus on Performance by having quality, accurate information that can be interpreted instantly.
• To use our change management theory to implement any Business Improvement required, achieving the best results for your staff, your clients and your profits.
Sifar Ltd is a friendly, professional and innovative Accounting and Business Consultancy practice based in Essex. Fully qualified and fully regulated, our consultants are experts in the fields of Accounting & Business.
As a forward-thinking, cloud based, digital practice, we can provide you with a more efficient and effective service.
We have carefully designed three innovative services to fit your requirements.
- Our proactive Year-end Compliance Accounting & Tax solution.
- Our Virtual Finance Hub – This is a tailor-made, fixed fee, End-to-Send Bookkeeping, Accounting & Year-end service.
- Our forward-thinking Business Consulting providing proven and demonstrable results.
SIFAR has a balanced view believing in the Kaizen philosophy of continuous improvement. We strive to cultivate a team spirit and encourage a mindfulness environment where you can enjoy work, life and its opportunities.
Whatever challenge your business is facing, we guarantee to give you a fresh, results orientated perspective. It’s this insight, coupled with innovative, long-term sustainable solutions, that helps you meet and exceed your company goals and expectations.
We have an excellent relationship with all our clients. The better we know you, the more we understand your goals, the more tailored we can make our service for you going forwards.

Simon Faraway ACMA CGMA
Managing Director & Owner
Simon Faraway ACMA CGMA is a fully qualified chartered management accountant and a member in practice with over 28 years of experience. He has worked in almost every sector, spanning across Europe and the US. Starting at the bottom Simon has held pretty much every role in Accounting & Finance with the last 18 years at board level.
He is always commercially focused and understands, through his experience, the challenges business owners face every day. He has the ability to communicate the appropriate level of information to the Board, Council or a Committee but also to all other levels of your organisation. He can assist you and your employees to understand the challenges you face but also to recommend innovative solutions. Simon is a problem solver and has a collaborative approach which is confident but not intrusive.
He is passionate about helping people and businesses achieve results.